Thursday, July 16, 2009


Last night, I had this very odd dream. Imagine, I was a nun. In that dream, I seem to enjoy the simplicity of life.

Today, as I was on my way home, I thought of that dream again. Trying to decode its meaning and relevance to my life. Was God trying to tell me that I pursue the Theological aspect of life? I have really no idea. But I welcome the idea. It would be nice to have a closer relationship with God.

And to ease my pains, I am now contemplating on going to a retreat. Right now, I am searching for convents and monasteries that offer retreat or recollection. I want to let go of my pains. I want to fully surrender myself to the will of God.

These are some of those that I've googled:


Contact Persons: Rev. Fr. Florentino Lim /Sr. Maria Guia Gaitan
Contact Numbers: 09192807414 / 09189016745

It is a 7-hectare monastery for men and women, established in 2000 by Rev. Fr. Florentino Lim, a former Trappist monks and Sisters of CIHM. It offers retreat and recollection on donation basis. They have outreach program for the poor (aetas) and reforestation, they give seedlings for planting.


Our first stop when we got there was the Pink Sisters’ Convent. I have mixed feelings writing about this: on one hand, it’s one of our regular stops and obviously a must-see in Tagaytay, but on the other hand, the sheer number of people waltzing in like they’re taking a walk in the park bothers me. Remember folks: it’s a place of prayer. No loud conversations, no boom boom stereos, no children running around and playing. Go, reflect in the chapel, drop off your petitions and donations, and pick up a pack or two of cloister cookies (P160; occasionally they have chocolate chip cookies which are really good!) to take home. Resist the urge to have a picnic on the lawn. When people treat it with the solemn respect it deserves, this is a beautiful place to meditate and pray. If you’re lucky, you can catch the ethereal hymns of the nuns at afternoon prayers.

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