Gee, had my graduation pictures taken today at Zone 5 studio located in West Avenue, Quezon City. I chose package D. It costs 2, 400 for formal, sablay, toga and creative shots. Each category is consists of four (4) poses. Hair and make -up service is free for formal, sablay and toga shots only. Additional 350 pesos for over-all retouch (and major one for creative shots). My assigned make-up artist is great. His make-up set is all branded because I specifically requested for MAC products only. Hey, I am not being maarte (my skin easily gets blemishes and I dont want to add another dark facial marks). It's just that I am allergic to make up. Mac uses non-acid based ingredients that's why it is highly recommended for sensitive skin.
Graduation pictorial is a good reminder that I have to work hard on my thesis if I want to march on April. Yes, i must learn to devote my time in doing something that would make my academic load less stressful and tear jerking. Today is the START! I am going to march soon and that soon will be on April 2009. Graduating on time and handling that diploma will be my ticket to Cornell University.
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