Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big Bert's and Fish Eye

Today, I had sampling at Gift Gate's office in Donya Imelda QC wherever office. Hahaha. The address isn't familiar so I tried wikimapia and google but I got lost nevertheless. Yay, I am so dumb when it comes to directions. Tsk.

Moving on, the sampling went fine. PW will say hello to kitty's abode in RP Ermita branch. Yey to me! I closed another deal. Yey because I am close to my target date of resignation. So I went out of the building thinking how am I going back to the office. 15 steps away from the building, I was surprised to see a very familiar signage. The signage says "Big Bert's". Alright, I remembered him again but that was just it. I didn't let it get to me. I just read it in passing then I hailed the cab back to office.

Memories of you are everywhere. Especially on sampling dates. Yay!

* * * * *

I learned a new concept today. Courtesy of my UPM batchmates, Cami and Kara. Because of Cami's remark, I had to post on my YM status "what's a fish eye lens?". And then Kara was so gracious enough to answer my stat. Hahaha. Iyon pala yun. Haha. Good job, Cami! You are forgiven for bailing out on us last weekend. Hahaha.

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