Monday, October 5, 2009

Remembering the days...

How did the two of you meet?

This was the question I had to endure almost everytime I am with him. The usual “common friend” excuse was what I always answer. Then, I would veer away from the topic like it was something very forbidden to talk about.

Well, not really forbidden.

But it was something I was never that proud of. Okay, let’s put it this way. I love answering trivia questions in almost any site that I get to visit. Him, on the other, loves music.

“Oh, tao ka pala”

In one of my busiest trivia days, I got a PM from some “Scoffield” wannabe asking if I am a human being for he thought that it was only a computer aided thingy that was answering the trivia questions correctly. Indeed, I am and you are disturbing my streak. Hahaha.

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